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Podium Steps and Scaffold towers - Products - Interlink Alloy Systems

Products - Stairpod from £425.59


The stairpod is designed for use on stairs and areas where the floor levels and conditions are such that conventional access is not suitable.

Examples of this are:- staircases, escalators, theatres etc.

Work safely on the platform with a guardrail surrounding the operative whilst standing on the platform.

Self closing gates closing behind the operative are provided for added security.

Platform height at highest point is 0.5m (approx) giving a reach height of 2.5 min.

locking back frame
self closing gates
Locking back gate
Self closing gate

locking stabiliser clamp
captive platform

Locking stabiliser clamp

Captive platform

legs adjust for levelling
Stabilisers for stability
Legs adjust for leveling


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Podium 400  to  Podium 2000,  work-platforms,   scaffold-towers,   mini   fold away scaffold working solutions,    stair span   access towers,    stair deck systems    and    'special build'  solutions  for one  off applications.

Interlink Alloy Systems Limited .Southend Farm . Southend Lane .  Waltham Abbey .  Essex . EN9 3SE - tel  01992 716509 - fax 01992 652500

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Interlink Alloy Systems, Podium Steps and Aluminium Scaffold towers