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interlink scaffold towers and podium steps
Podium Steps and Scaffold towers - Products - Interlink Alloy Systems
Hop Up 670 Podium- high value from £208.21 + vat
- 670mm platform height (reach 2.67m)

Hop up Podiums - high value podium platforms

Weight 23 kg

These aluminium construction platforms are made to high specifications and conform to all current regulations whilst offering exceptional value for money.

* Choice of aluminium or anti-slip timber deck and steps.
* Choice of one piece (folding platform deck) or two pice (clip in/out platform/deck).

This product is available in the following options.

The 1 Piece (folding platform deck)

2 step podium

Ali Deck
£229.82 + vat

The 3 Piece (lift out/clip in platform deck)

2 step podium
Ali Deck
£208.21 + vat




670 step podium

Click an image to enlarge it.
back frame
podium steps gate mechanism
podium steps folding mech
Auto locking back frame
Captive work platform
Captive step
Locking gate
Castor foot with lock
Gives a reach of over 2.4m
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interlink alloys steps

Podium 400  to  Podium 2000,  work-platforms,   scaffold-towers,   mini   fold away scaffold working solutions,    stair span   access towers,    stair deck systems    and    'special build'  solutions  for one  off applications.

Interlink Alloy Systems Limited .Southend Farm . Southend Lane .  Waltham Abbey .  Essex . EN9 3SE - tel  01992 716509 - fax 01992 652500

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Interlink Alloy Systems, Podium Steps and Aluminium Scaffold towers